Tuesday, October 6, 2009

NC Trip - Day 5

Today, Tuesday we had quite a day... It started off a little earlier than normal - 9:30 am. We took the kids to downtown Williamston to walk from town to the river on the new bike trail. We got about halfway down the trail when I realized I didn't have my cell phone. So, back to the car we went...no phone...back to the hotel room we went...no phone. Now I'm in a panic - not for the phone itself but for the sensitive information I have on it. After a prayer of desperation...I just felt strongly that I had left it on top of the car when I was buckling Hailey in. So Dani and I retraced our drive and low and behold there it was! Laying beside the 4 lane highway unharmed. I ran out, picked it up and did a happy dance all the while saying a prayer of thanks to Heavenly Father for his help. My little miracle of the day!

Afterwards we headed to the river and met Dad and Sarah for a half an hour of walking along the boardwalk and showing Hailey the ducks and the river. We all went to Bunns BBQ in Windsor. There is still some debate as to whether their BBQ is better than Shaw's.

We headed back to the hotel for some much needed naps before our planned trip to Greenville for the Pitt County American Legion Agricultural Fair (yes that really is the name). The fair was great...Hailey rode the adult ferris wheel, the worm roller coaster, the dizzy dragons and the carousel. She definitely has her mother's and grandmother's DNA. We all love rides - the faster the better! We also watched the pig races, Nick's Kid Show, the Carolina Girls dance (80+ years old) and then on to the animal barns - cows, sheep, goats, horses and chickens. A little fair food and we were headed home by 8:00. Taylor screamed most of the 30 minute ride home with Hailey trying desperately to quiet him by singing the ABC Song.

We finally made it back to the hotel safely... Kids asleep by 10:00. Whew! (For pictures, see Dani's blog at folsomposts.blogspot.com

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